Title - Headline Banner

The headline banner must have a title; text is optional. By default the background is grey

This is the basic text component with a cool grey 10 background and inside a 1 column layout

Using the Text Component (H2)

  • Use the text component to add formatted to a component 
  • The text component is commonly placed within another component 

Text (H3)

The Full HTML text editor is enabled by default. To format the text, similar to Word, highlight the text, select the element to apply using the icon menu or keyboard shortcuts.

Header Tags (H2) 

Descriptive header tags benefit both search engines and users in understanding a page’s content. If the title tag is the title of your book (web page), the header tags can be considered chapter headings.

Generally, the lowest numbered header tags are considered the most important. The <H1> tag serves as the primary theme of the page, and subsequent header tags like the <H2> tag should describe your web page’s sub-topics. For search engines, header tags help them categorize your content into topic clusters relevant to a set of search terms.  

Line 1 - This is the callout component

Line 2 - This can be seen on the homepage designs

Eyebrow 50-50 CTA

Header text 50-50 CTA

Body text 50-50 CTA

By default the content is left-aligned but can be changed to right

The text and image should have opposite alignments

Button label


It is not recommended to use h tags in the header or body

Example with no eyebrow

When there is more than one 50-50 CTA stacked, toggle the separator on; the separator shows above the 50-50 CTA

This is seen on the homepage design

Learn More

This is a text component with a cool grey -05 background

Qualities of well-optimized images include (H3):  

  • File Names – Create descriptive file names that include keywords relevant to your image will help search engines better classify the resource.  
  • ALT Text – The alt attribute ensures the accessibility of your content for people who utilize screen readers. It is a snippet of text used to help search engines better classify your image for search results. The alt attribute will also be displayed on the page if the image should fail to load, so it is important to provide a clear description of the image.
  • Sitemaps – Including images in a multi-format or (better) an image-specific sitemap will improve the search engines’ ability to crawl and index image content

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    Short placeholder heading

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    Short placeholder heading

    This is placeholder text. It's here by mistake and we'd appreciate it if you could email us with a link to the page you found it on.

    Short placeholder heading

    This is placeholder text. It's here by mistake and we'd appreciate it if you could email us with a link to the page you found it on.

    Short placeholder heading

    This is placeholder text. It's here by mistake and we'd appreciate it if you could email us with a link to the page you found it on.