
Available in North America and Most of Asia Pacific. Increase the versatility and effi ciency of your lift truck by using Cascade-KOOI Rollerforks®. These specialty forks use a retractable internal rolling mechanism to quickly load and unload pallets, slip-sheets and more. These forks hang on standard lift truck carriages making them a lighter and more cost-effective option than Push-Pulls for certain applications.

Contact Cascade Today
    • Flexible applications: compatible with both slip sheets and pallets, as well as boxes, cartons, and bagged goods.
    • No hydraulic connections for fast installation and removal.
    • No pantograph or face plate for excellent visibility over Push-Pulls.
    • Ideal for handling single-stacked loads.
    • ISO ITA Class II or III mounting as standard for quick installation.
    • Pin type, Drop Shank, and Custom mountings available.
    • Special design for use in cold storage applications.
    • Can be integrated onto Side-shifters and Fork Positioners.
    • Available in 5 capacity ranges.