Warranty Claim Form

  • Current 1) Address
  • 2) Service, Attachment, & Truck Info
  • 3) Claim Info, Replaced Parts, & Work Info
  • 4) Summary
  • 5) File Attachments
  • 6) Confirmation

Dealer Address

Dealer Address

End User

End User Address

Service Information

Attachment Information

Truck Information

Claim Information

Replaced Parts

Qty Part Number Name/Description Cost Per Unit Dealer PO# Operations

Work Order Information

*Cascade Warranty pays 70% of your posted labor rate.

Dealer Information

End User Information

Service Information

Attachment Information

Truck Information

Claim Information

QtyPart NumberName/DescriptionCost Per UnitDealer PO#

Work Order Information



*Cascade Warranty pays 70% of your posted labor rate.

File Attachments

One file only.
10 MB limit.
Allowed types: jpg, png, pdf, doc.

One file only.
10 MB limit.
Allowed types: jpg, png, pdf, doc.

One file only.
10 MB limit.
Allowed types: jpg, png, pdf, doc.